Things Unseen

The parts of our lives hidden from others

September 9, 2024  |  4 min read

Rebecca McBride

You log on to your account, and you are bound to see a perfectly decorated home, a mom doing incredible activities with her littles, a family having an amazing vacation… the list goes on. 

Everyone has little moments that they just are not showing. 

How do we find that balance? The balance between being honest, yet living in the present, and respecting our family’s privacy.

In the internet age, whether you are a content creator or not, this is a dilemma we all must face. Yes, at varying degrees, but everyone faces it. 

Families can fall on opposite ends of the spectrum. Some share very little, going as far as not showing images of their children, blurring their faces, or even coming up with fake names for online use. Others, see value in being extremely honest and will document even the most vulnerable of moments. 

So what will you choose? How do you choose?

Here’s the encouragement I’d love to leave with you as you journey through the tricky decisions that come along with social networking. 

There is joy in being present

There are certain things only those actively involved in your life will know, and for those whom you rarely see, you will have the opportunity for an even richer experience catching up on all the events between this visit and the last. 

Remember the content has been curated

No matter how intentional that influencer you follow is, the majority of their life remains unseen. Comparison is a killer. You CAN find contentment through Christ, even when you are bombarded with content or ads that may make you feel “less than.”

Always cultivate in-person community first

Curating an online community can be a fun experience, and helpful in many ways. However, who are those people that notice when you’re sick? Who are those people who would deliver you a meal, pray over your bedside, or help watch your children? Always focus more energy there, and make sure those people know you are thankful for them.

Hold social media with an open hand

How can I use this tool to build up the Kingdom of God? In all things, it’s not about me, it’s about Him. All glory belongs to the Lord. To utilize social media as a tool for Him, I need to be in frequent prayer about how it should look for me and my family. 

This work is never done as trends and algorithms constantly evolve. I invite you to pray this over your unseen life with me.

A Prayer for Things Unseen

Dear Lord, 

Thank you for our families, everything you have given us, and a life full of activity. 

Please help us to steward our time and resources well, and know what to take on and what to give up. 

Thank you for the gift of community and the ability to connect with others both in person and online. Guide us in living authentically both online and offline.

Remind us to cherish the quiet moments and relationships that aren’t broadcast. May we find balance between our virtual and physical lives, always prioritizing our faith and loved ones.

Help us remember that our worth comes from You, not from likes or followers. Give us strength to be a light in all our interactions, seen and unseen.


About the Author

Rebecca McBride

Rebecca is a wife and mama to 3 little ones. She spends her days working in the gardens, making meals from scratch, homeschooling her children, and working on @McBride_Homestead—a page encouraging you towards a more intentional life.