Become a Guest Blogger

We want to amplify your voice and experiences.

Have a thought you want to share? Let's talk.

For This House is passionate about creating a platform for sharing authentic life experiences in writing. The act of working through a complete thought from hazy start to well-rounded finish is a practice that helps you find closure and even develop key takeaways to learn from our past life experiences.

When you share your stories, other women benefit from your “hindsight 20/20” perspective and reflections on how Christ used this moment to shape you. 

Our platform aims to share stories within three primary categories, with some room for flexibility:

  • Home – house renovations, home decor, family hacks and habits, homebody shenanigans, etc.
  • Health – recipes and recipe/cookbook reviews, fitness, mental health, etc.
  • Heart – Christian reflections, personal stories, social justice calls to action, etc.
We’re always open to new authors and ideas! Fill out the form below to submit your blog idea and get started as a guest blogger with For This House.

What next?

We’re so glad you’re interested in writing with us! Ally or Lauren will be in touch very soon with feedback on your blog ideas.

Some things you can expect to talk about in our first conversation will also include:

  1. Reading and signing the “Blog Contributor Agreement”
  2. Providing a causal headshot to be featured on your blogs in black and white
  3. Writing a short 3-4 sentence bio so our audience knows who is writing to them

Looking forward to a fruitful partnership!